Tag: ludum dare

  • Ludum Dare 48 Hour Challenge #12



    It’s time again.  Seems like just a short bit ago I was working on LD48 #11, and maybe it was.  The contests are on a much better schedule now which should help in participation.  I’ve been keeping myself busy working on a reborn and re-imagined project from back in ’03.  I’ll probably release more info…

  • LD48 Competition #11 Final Entry – BlockOut

    I managed to cobble together a mildly playable version of my game in time for the end of the Ludum Dare 48 Game Development  competition this weekend.  It’s a concept that I had been toying with this past week, jotting down some ideas and refining it along the way.  Quite simply, it’e the game Breakout,…

  • LD48_11 starts in eight hours

    The LD48 #11 Game Compitition starts in about eight and a half hours. The theme has yet to be decided, but it seems like it will most likely be one of the following: Minimalist (+28), Endless (+24), Defense (+22) or Flood (+15). My personal wish is to get Defense, as I’ve been thinking about a…