Tag: ludum dare

  • Drag Postmortem


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    I had originally planned on collaborating with a friend on the Ludum Dare 26 Jam, however, plans started to fall apart Friday morning when my sister went into labor. Long story short, the baby was born later that evening, and along with other family commitments, took up most of the weekend. On Sunday I was…

  • LS-MAN v1 Postmortem


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    The game started as an entry to the Ludum Dare competition over a month ago with the theme “You Are The Villain.” I completed a reverse-Pacman game where you controlled the ghosts in order to trap Pacman and keep him from gobbling up your pellets. There was very little AI in it. I have a…

  • One Game A Month: January – LS-MAN Submitted


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    It’s not perfect, and there certainly are bugs to be found (especially with the path-following code) but it’s well-done enough for me to call it a finished game. It’s a game with a beginning, a middle and an end. I think this is a great success. LS-MAN is a reverse-Pacman game where you control the…

  • LD48 #24 – Those Stupid Aliens (with Postmortem)



    My Ludum Dare Jam entry is Those Stupid Aliens. It’s a top-down space shooter. The player is firing from a capital ship at the bottom of the screen. It has just gone through a battle, defeating the enemy battleship, stranding hundreds of aliens. As a result of the battle, it only has enough shields to…

  • Ludum Dare #17 Pre-Compo Competition!



    The latest in the Ludum Dare 48 Hour competitions is less than a week away! Time to get out that base code and wait, right? WRONG! There is so much for you to get ready and practice. You could be doing any of these: Draw some sprites for a random animation, either directly in a…

  • LD48 #16 Will Include a Lone Stranger


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    Like a broken record, my Java basecode for the Ludum Dare 48 Hour Game Programming Competition #16 is largely the same as the past two three four five competitions. I haven’t made any changes to it since the last compo, despite saying that I wanted to. Recently I have been dabbling with C++ again, though…

  • Ludum Dare 48 #15 – Caverns Post-Mortum

    This was probably the best Ludum Dare weekend I’ve had. My game was more than just a tech demo or an ‘unfinished’ idea. Of course, they never are truly complete after 48 hours time; there is always something else that can be tweaked or added. When all was said and done, however, my entry was…

  • LD48_13 basecode & goals


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    My basecode For LD48_13 is largely the same as the past two competitions.  I have updated it a little: Classes are now organized into the package net.lonestranger.common, game and network. Network isn’t really too useful yet.  The only class that exists in it is called Report.  It’s job is to take a string of data and…

  • LD48_13 is nigh!


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    The 13th Ludum Dare 48hr Game Programming competition starts this Friday, so it’s time to get the tools in order so there is less fussing when time is running short.  Also, my wife and I have been invited to Thanksgiving, The Sequel this Friday, so I won’t be home when the topic is announced.  I’ll…

  • Future Ludum Dare ideas



    The next full fledged LD competition is still months away, but I was thinking the other day about concepts and ideas that I’d like to try.  If the theme is right next time, perhaps I’ll use one of these. ‘tabletop’ wargame – Something along the lines of Axis & Allies.  Simple combat and strategy.  Perhaps…